Norsk MusikkavisIndeks

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kid creole & the coconuts100 % juicypuls29-199630arne berg
kid creole & the coconuts* artikkel *beat3-1985 18jan omdahl
kid creole & the coconuts* artikkel *nye takter65-1983 26rune dahl
kid creole & the coconuts* artikkel *nye takter67-1983 20rune dahl
kid creole & the coconuts* artikkel *nye takter130-1985 6
kid creole & the coconuts* artikkel *puls7-1982 11øyvind pharo
kid creole & the coconuts* konsertomtale *puls7-1982 15øyvind pharo
kid creole & the coconuts* konsertomtale *puls9-1983 25øyvind pharo
kid creole & the coconuts* konsertomtale *puls9-1985 22rune halland
kid creole & the coconutscre-ole: the best of ...nye takter89-1984 14geir rakvaag
kid creole & the coconutsdoppelgangerpuls11-1983 34øyvind pharo
kid creole & the coconutsfresh fruit in foreign placespuls7-1981 37kari westrheim
kid creole & the coconutsin praise of older women ... and other ...beat3-1985 28øyvind pharo
kid creole & the coconutsin praise of older women ... and other ...nye takter123-1985 9per ole oftedal
kid creole & the coconutsin praise of older women ... and other ...puls8-1985 29rune halland
kid creole & the coconutsi, too, have seen the woodsnye takter227-1987 6geir rakvaag
kid creole & the coconutsoff the coast of mepuls5-1981 34kari westrheim
kid creole & the coconutsprivate waters in the great dividebeat1-1990 62erik valebrokk
kid creole & the coconutstropical gangstersnye takter8-1982 27geir rakvaag
kid creole & the coconutstropical gangsterspuls7-1982 38øyvind pharo
kid creole & the coconuts* video *puls12-1984 49tom skjeklesæther
kid creole & the coconuts* video *puls3-1986 45
kid creole & the coconutsyou shoulda told me you were ...puls9-1991 63arild bergh
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